A Salford Story

Graphic Design

This booklet page features a desaturated photograph of a mill in Salford. The building in the photo has a bricked-up window and there is a gate to the left of it with a sign that reads 'Islington Mill'. Overlaid on the photograph are the words 'Flourishing creativity through history'.
Flourishing creativity through history

The Background

Destruction and regeneration can occur simultaneously, causing a conflict of feelings and emotions. In the Manchester and Salford areas, there is constant change.

The Response

I took photographs of the evolving urban landscapes of Salford, highlighting buildings that may have been forgotten. Those buildings could be missed if they are destroyed.

The photographs were accompanied by words to produce a short narrative. These compositions were curated into a concertina booklet.

The front cover of the booklet displays a triptych of desaturated photographs. On the left, there is a picture of an apartment block. On the right, two stacked images are placed. The top one depicts a blend of modern and older buildings, while the one below showcases the same view on a snowy winter day.
Salford: Through imagery and words - Front cover of the booklet
On this page of the booklet, there are two desaturated photographs depicting buildings in a state of disrepair. The images are zoomed in and show worn-out paint and graffiti on the walls. Overlaid on the photograph are the words 'Texture and ruggedness is embraced by the surroundings'.
Texture and ruggedness is embraced by the surroundings
This booklet page features a desaturated photograph of a mill in Salford. A lamppost is in the foreground, with a sticker in jaunty type stating 'I've been through the mill'. Overlaid on the photograph are the words 'Insight into what was, and the potential of what it may be'.
Insight into what was, and the potential of what it may be
The booklet's back cover features two desaturated photographs. The left image shows The Kings Arms pub while the right one depicts an alley with litter and debris. The page also includes the words 'Changing face over time, character transforms, builds, develops into something more' overlaid on the images.
Changing face over time, character transforms, builds, develops into something more